hapa club (the)
The de-funk, er defunct organization


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  OfficialThe Hapa Club was founded by yours truly after Tak Norris and I organized a few dinners with friends and friends of friends who were all hapas, i.e., people whose ethnic mix consists of Asian/Pacific Island and another. Initially the meetings were just dinners at places in Aoyama, Shibuya and Roppongi and the people who came were either Americans, Brasilians, a Dutch cutie, or people who had two nationalities which was hid from Japan's authorities - heh heh! It was cool because it was laid back, we all had some commonalities, i.e. our mixed ethnic background, yet there were some differences and yet something entirely different with the Brasilian flava, along with the unbalanced (JK yo!) hapas we knew who grew up in Tokyo!

I think Tak and I had mutual interests, initially, selfish and self-centered though they were, in organizing those things, and that was to meet some attractive hapa ladies, like Sonia "Prim" Couling (left)! But my idea to start an organization instead of just people we knew or had met, to broaden the parameters so to speak, for people like us grew because I knew there was people out there whom we didn't know or would not have had a chance to meet if we didn't progress beyond those initial dinner parties. Officially the Hapa Club started in 1993 but really it started, unorganized, a few years before that.

Click here for some terminology used to describe people of partial Asian ethnicity.

Since the organization was started in Tokyo the majority of people who were active were Japanese hapa people, i.e., those who had a parent of Japanese ethnicity with the other parent of western ethnicity but there were some Blacknese, people who were half Japanese and Chinese and Chinese hapas. The proudest thing for me was the Hc was able to raise funds for the AmerAsian School in Okinawa and the Amerasian Christian Academy in Korea. If you have the means, please consider supporting these worthwhile schools with a donation as they are self-supporting! Drop me an email, as per below and I'll pass along details or click on the links above.

What the hay is a hapa? Hapa not a leaf (happa)! That is to say happa means leaf in Japanese so don't mispell it. Well originally it was a Hawaiian word to describe a person who was half white and half Hawaiian, a hapa haole, which were the first hapa people, the result of unions of Hawaiian women and British sailors. I'm hapa kepani, meaning a person of mixed Japanese ethnicity. Some people think people like us who use that as a term to describe ourselves are guilty of cultural rip-off as authentic hapa people are supposed to be only those who are Dena of partial Hawaiian ethnicity There is an ongoing debate about it but who really cares, it's just a cool way to explain one's ethnic mix. Some other terms used by people like me include Amerasian, Eurasian, Afroasian, Blasian, Blackanese, double, etc. Click here for more.

Dena Cali (left) is a hip hop singer of black, Chinese and Scandanavian (Swedish) ethnicities and 100% bee-u-tee-full, don't you think? She is one of the best looking women on the planet in my mind.

To some Dena Cali is not hapa, she's Blasian; Black and Asian or blackanese; black and Chinese, but I use a more liberal definition than some and put anyone, regardless of their skin tone (and doesn't she have some beautiful tone?), into the Hapa category. By that I mean anyone who is of partial API (Asia Pacific Island) ethnicity. It's up to each individual whether they like the term Hapa.

Amerie Likewise another lady hot on the scene right now (pictured right) is Amerie. This lady is a lil sumthin sumthin else: beautiful, smart, having already graduated from Georgetown as an English major (whoa!), and a great singer. She's blacKorean, i.e. of black and Korean ethnicities, and currently hosts a video show on BET called The Center.

Here's some related hapa links, which I will add to in due course:

Special websites
hapa izakaya - My homeskillet Justin Ault's izakaya (Japanese code for a restaurant/bar-type place which serves up delicious Japónaise food and drinks at reasonable prices) in Vancouver, Canada, to the starvin Marvins in beautiful BC.

Community sites
Emma's Eurasian Community - "Cutie Honey" Emma Chandra Patten's community website provides a wealth of links, fotos and more about and for the Eurasian community.
Eurasian Nation - Community site for Hapas, Amerasian, Eurasians and the like - Ditto, great community site produced by Alvin Soltis.
Hapa Issues Forum
Hapa Solutions - Jim's flash site about and for hapas

Hapa Peeps - Strictly 4 My H.A.P.A.Z. (in alphabetical order [surname])
Andrew Butts - Student at Cornell
Jessica Cano - Sweet Outrage's Kool Site straight outta Oak Town
Jon Cockle - Yongfook's website mostly consisting of his travels and travails in Kumamoto, Japan
Andy Conlan - Site of the Kiwi hapa who juggles quite a few skillz
Homer Dulu - nikville's -Xanga site of one of my "homerskillets," from down under AKA OZ.
Chris Erway - Established the Hapa Club at Cornell
Kip Fulbeck - Film producer and photographer
George Ison - An actor with a unique mix of Black, Native American, Mexican and Filipino
John Langan - Half Irish/Half Chinese dude from Stockton, CA
Guy Marshall - Kool Euro-Azn-Guy from Canuckville
Kevin Miller - Cool site about Kevin's Central Asian travels
Kalani Mondoy - Amazing site about Mondoy's Hawaiian hapa lineage, da brotha done did some serious homework!
PC Munoz - Musician/rapper based in San Fran
Alyssa Murphy - AKA Hapachan from Hawai'i
Lana Robbins - Lana-flavored ice cream from Hawai'i
Kimiko Schneider - Hapa Kimiko's personal site and her Xanga site.
Laura Shigihara - Aspiring singer
Emily Shin - Hapa Club president at UCLA
Peter Stuehmke - korean/german hapa straight outta NYC
Cheryl Tan - Official website of the Singapore-based Eurasian
Tim Tully - Xanga site of Slower Jamz AKA Hoss
Cole Walliser - Site of DJ Colione ASA Corleone! (DJ | Choreographer | Songwriter | Actor)
Alexander Wesler- New York Karate man w/ a chain belt in Kung Fu!
Justin Whang - Korean/German guitarist of the NY-based metal band, Severed
IL Williamson - Straight outta Big D by way of Guam

Unknown surnames:
Jim - Toronto homeskillet's website before Hapa Solutions
Ian - AKA Hapa Howly; lot of stuff about the running competitions w/ which he's involved
Hapacrap - Failing to meet all of your Hapa needs since October 2000
Nadine - Japanese & Scottish hapa from Cali
Sarah Ann - Hapa doll straight outta Singapore

I would appreciate it if you could provide me with a reciprocal link which will help you get a better search result on Goo gle and the other major search engines.